Welcome to Machakos first FREE monthly advertorial
linking the whole county of Machakos and it's preceding environs .
MachaLink is the first Magazine bringing together Business' and consumers under one publication covering all neighbouhoods from
,Senior,Sunset boulevard
,Athi river
,Kitengela ,39
,Everest park
,Greenpark ,
all the way to Machakos town and its environs .
MachaLink seeks to tap onto the existing market of business' in this region and highlight them to consumers while marketing and growing their brands through this monthly publication newspaper .Machakos is home to one of the biggest and most progressive business' shaping Kenya with majority of the cement industries located in the county and influencers of the ever changing Kenyan economy setting up and doing business in this county and its surrounding areas .MachaLink will help you to connect with these business' as well as share the same platform and opportunity of viewership through our newspaper advertorial packages .Our business listing will also help you reach a greater audience through our distribution networks .
Machakos is posed to be the next big financial city with the development of Konza City on 5000 acres approximately 6O km from the city in the heart of the county itself and already existing property boom in the region being the litmus test .A new technology site it will host a science park ,mega malls , a convention center ,data hubs ,hotels ,international schools ,hospitals , a championship golf-course , a financial district , a high-speed mass transport system and residential properties translating into growth and growth of the counties financial muscle . The government has committed to facilitating the construction of services like roads ( two lane -carriageway from Athi River) water and sewerage systems ,energy provision and a speed railway .Machakos county has attracted interest from local and international companies some of which seek to set up base here .These include tech companies such as Craft Silicon and Safaricom,as well as global giants Google,Samsung and Huawei ,who are expected to take space in Machakos . MachaLink seeks to grow with the already established business' and embrace the future that is to be , with you being the face of Machakos , with your business in our publications . We will be a consistent face influencing the market in terms bringing awareness to consumers in the county and growing the reach of small to large business' now and years to come through our publications .
Our packages are affordable enabling you to market your business and
connect with your current and potential consumers at the same time,
get your business and brand noticed . With a firm distribution base in
the whole region we seek to grow with the region providing quality
content and tapping on to various markets featuring , a comprehensive
business guide, property and real estate listing , Restaurant and bar
listing, a school directory , fashion, art and music events of the
month , a medical directory amongst other features such as "Ninauza " ." Ninauza " is our feature coloumn where you get a chance to advertise your
personal items for sale on our page if you have no physical business
premise or location @ affordable rates.
Products will be marketed through our monthly newspaper and our blog http://www.machalink.blogspot.com .
Start your business' journey with us .....
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